Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First "offical" Post

Ok here's some new pictures of Jonathan.

This is the tired baby....

Trying to feed the doggie.

Playing with his airplane that Grandma got him.

Happy baby!

This is the whiny pose

Jonathan is fully walking now, and he's also running. He does laps around the living room daily. He's still not saying many "words" other than lots of words that dont mean anything to us yet. He does say "yeah", and "ookie" and "mama", "dada", and "hi". No sentences yet. He's still on his bottle, mainly because I don't want to get rid of them yet. Some how, to me saying goodbye to them is like saying goodbye to his babyhood. I will be making the transition soon, probably in the next week or two. As always it will be much easier on him than it will on me. We started putting him on his potty from time to time, but he plays with it more than actually using it.

I know most of you know this, but Chris and I are trying for our second right now. It was a mutual decision due to many factors. One is that the time is good right now, because Chris shouldn't be sent out to sea till March or later next year. Another is that Jonathan LOVES playing with other kids and is a social butterfly, it will be good for him to have another baby to play with. Lastly we really do want other children, and due to a medical condition I might not be able to have another one if I wait to long. It just seems like its the right time, of course we are praying God's will be done, if He wants us to have another we will, and if not then we wont.

As most of you know Chris is attached to the USS San Fransisco, a submarine at the naval shipyard in Bremerton. The boat is undergoing repairs due to crashing into a underground sea mountain. Its due to be fully repaired in March 09' but that's a tentative date, and its already been pushed back once since we have gotten here. He works currently about 6 days a week, anywhere from 3am-7pm. He's supposed to get every third weekend off but lately he's only been getting the one day due to other things happening. Navy way is, that if one person screws up everyone pays. We've been paying a lot.. lol... He'll go back to 3 section duty soon, where he's working every third day for 36 hours.

I've been doing well, I'm enrolled in college full time starting on September 22nd. I'm going to be studying to do early education. I'm really excited about going back to school, 95% of it is online which works out well for us. Now were praying that the finical aid comes in, because we cant afford it on our own. If there is no aid I might have to wait and do it at a later date. Should that be the case, I have a back up plan of a military program that does tech. training for military spouses, that sets them up to do at-home jobs. Its all free of charge. So there are a lot of avenues open atm.

Right now my sister is visiting me, which I am really enjoying. She's going to be here till the middle of August. I have not gotten much time to spend with her for a few years now, and what a blessing she's been. :D

I'm going to have my wisdom teeth taken out on Aug 1st, so I may be a bit before I can post another update. Also, sometime in Aug. I'm going to have a biopsy done for my liver, due to some health concerns that have come up. I'll keep you all informed.
Well that's all on our front.. Praying for our family and wishing you all well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Want more pictures!!! lol ... nice blog, Lauren! I have been here, I have seen, and I have commented! So there! hehehe ... give that adorable baby a big hug and kiss from grandma!!!

Love you guys!!!
