Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hey, I got a hole in my head now!

Well, surgery on my wisdom teeth is over. I go back for check up on Friday to make sure everything is healing up good. Chris got the week off, so its nice that he's around to help take care of stuff. I have a lot of pain in my left cheek , and I'm pretty swelled up too, but that should be getting better soon I hope. They said to expect more pain on the left because that tooth was up in my nasal cavity.
We got some new cute pictures of Jonathan lately so I thought I would put them up. I hope everything is going well for all of you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, you don't look as much like a chipmunk as I expected! Woot for you!!! Baby is getting so much hair, and getting so much bigger! Thanks for the new pics!!!! I'm glad you guys were able to spend the whole week together ... I'm sure that helped. Feel better, and I love you guys!!!!!