Friday, November 6, 2009

God is good! Our second miracle!

Well as if becoming pregnant isn't hard enough, staying pregnant sure adds a lot of extra worry to my mind. The last week I have been apprehensive about the upcoming ultrasound and if that little baby pulled a miracle and survived.

When we arrived for the ultrasound we had to wait an hour because the tech. was behind on people. Jonathan was having fun, because there was another boy there and they were playing together for pretty much the entire hour. Occasionally trying to pull the fire alarm, and engage the elevator button.

Once it was finally our turn, we went in, and while I was waiting to start Jonathan decided I shouldn't have my socks on, and pulled them off. I guess in his mind, if you aren't wearing shoes you shouldn't be wearing socks. The tech. handed him a sticker before we started in hopes it would keep him entertained, but he was too busy asking us if we would turn the TV to Mickey. lol

Starting seemed to take forever, and then the moment of truth, suddenly I see the uterus, and then.......... A HEARTBEAT!!!!!!!!!!! It was beating soo much faster, I could tell instantly that this little one was going to make it. The ultrasound tech. told me the heart was beating at 120bpm, that's 29 beats up from last week, which is much more than average for only 8 days. That little baby only needed to have gone up 24 beats to be back on track, but the little bean sure showed us! I was so relieved I cried, lol, the emotional stress thinking that it may not live was really overwhelming. The tech. seemed to understand and smiled at us, I must have asked her at least twice if this meant that everything was going to be fine. She assured us that it did. Giving Jonathan another sticker, because the one he had just had, he licked, and it could no longer stick. We thanked her and left.

Thank you for all the prayers, and support this last week. I just DID NOT want to lose another baby, I didn't know if I could take that, after having so much hope that this one would not end in miscarriage. Well we are back to just relaxing and enjoying this pregnancy again, I guess God needs to keep showing us how truly the miracle of life is just that.... a miracle! Lord.... I got it. lol

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